Our services are recommended by 98% of our customers yellow-star

Our Process

3 Steps to Trademark Registration

Our hassle-free 3-step Trademark registration process ensures your Trademark is secure.


Fill out a Form

In this step, you will need to fill out a form with information related to your brand and mark.


Trademark Search

Our team conducts in-depth searches to ensure you can move forward without any legal conflicts.


Application Filing

We review your application to guarantee accuracy before forwarding it for approval to the USPTO.

Trademark Registered

Why Register Your Trademark?

Trademark Registration safeguards your brand and gives you the power to stop others from profiting from your mark.


Own Exclusive Rights

Secure the intellectual property of your brand by getting it registered. Protect your business's name, slogan, and logo from misuse.


Prevent Infringement

Trademark registration can help companies strengthen their brand reputation and take legal action against imitators and copycats.


Boost Brand Value

Protecting your Trademark strengthens your brand value. It safeguards the exploitation of your ideas and builds customer loyalty.

Trademark Search

Why is Trademark Search Important?

A Trademark search helps businesses protect their identity, ensure uniqueness, and avoid infringement.

  • timerSave Time

    Getting your Trademark searched can save your business time and keep you from future legal headaches!

  • timerSave Money

    Before investing in filing and registration, research the potential Trademark conflicts to save yourself from expensive challenges later.

  • anchorAvoid Rejection

    It allows you to safeguard your unique Trademarks and provides the assurance of avoiding any legal complications.



Budget-friendly Trademark Registration Packages for Everyone

We have a simple 3-step process to maximize your chances of Trademark registration.


Key Features:

  • Direct-hit Search
  • Application Preparation
  • Federal E-Filing with USPTO
  • Electronic Delivery
  • Free Trademark Monitoring (1 Month)

Key Features:

  • Cease and Desist Letter
  • Transfer and Assignment Letter
  • Free Trademark Monitoring (6 Months)
  • Federal E-Filing with USPTO
  • Electronic Delivery

Key Features:

  • Cease and Desist Letter
  • Transfer and Assignment Letter
  • Free Trademark Monitoring (1 Year)
  • 24-hour Expedited Processing
  • Federal E-Filing with USPTO


Client Testimonials & Customer Reviews

A Trademark search is a valuable tool in assessing the risks associated with adopting a new Trademark before a substantial emotional or monetary investment has been made.

  • review3

    I can't thank them enough for all of their hard work. I was relieved to have Andrea. She's the kind of guardian angel you’d want by your side through such a rigorous process. Her team worked diligently on my case, constantly providing us with updates and lending an ear to our concerns.

    Linda Keller

    Executive Manager at Full-time

  • review3

    Their team was extremely professional and courteous. They got our Trademark registered in a hassle-free process. Moreover, Xpressmark helped us understand the legal challenges of having an unregistered Trademark and offer us solace throughout. Highly Recommended!

    Derek Peterson

    Co-founder at Seven and Six

  • review3

    Brent managed our case impeccably. He was very efficient and provided us with detailed updates. His knowledge was oozed out once he began explaining the process, and that’s when I knew I wanted him to handle my brand’s registration. Highly Recommended!

    Fred Hilton

    EManager at Mediobanca

  • review3

    I was absolutely blown away by the Trademark registration services of Xpressmark. They kept me updated every step of the way, from the consultation till I received my mark. I couldn't be happier. If you haven't yet, then contact their professionals for your Trademark registration!

    Olivia Thompson

    CEO of Profit Peaks


Frequently Ask Question

Trademark Registration FAQs

Still have a question? We’d love to help! Call us or Chat with one of our experts now.

  • What is a Trademark?

    A Trademark grants a company the exclusive rights to use its brand names, slogans, and logos. No other seller can sell products bearing a company’s Trademarks without permission. The best way to ensure that your brand remains legally and exclusively yours is to register a Trademark.

  • How can a Trademark be removed from the register?

  • Who is eligible to apply for a Trademark?

  • What does legal protection for a Trademark owner imply?

  • Can we register a Trademark for a logo or a company name?

Reaching Us is Easy Now!

Register your Trademark now for a lifetime of protection


starting at $49 only

Register your trademark and save yourself from the risk of losing thousands of dollars in lawsuits and rebranding efforts.

starting at $49 only

Register your trademark and save yourself from the risk of losing thousands of dollars in lawsuits and rebranding efforts.